Monday, July 6, 2015

Quick Sort - Java Code

An efficient, not stable, comparison sorting algorithm

  • Worst case time complexity: O(n2)      /* rarely occurs */
  • Best case time complexity: O(n log n)

Two versions:
  • Out-of-place version
  • In-place version

Algorithm ( Out-of-place version)
Algorithm quickSort(S)
Input sequence S
Output S in sorted order

if( |S| = 0 or |S| = 1 ) then
    return S

p  pickPivot()
(L,E,G partition(S, p)

return U E U G

Algorithm partition(S, p)
                Input: sequence S, position p of pivot
                Output: subsequences L, E, G of the elements of S less than, equal to,
                                or greater than the pivot, respectively

L, E, G  empty sequences
pivot ← S.removeElementAt(p)

while !S.isEmpty() do

    y ← S.removeFirst()

    if y < pivot then
    else if y = pivot then

return L, E, G

Algorithm ( In-place version)

Algorithm inPlaceQuickSort(S, left, right)
                Input array S, positions left and right
                Output array S with the elements from positions left to right
rearranged in increasing order
if left > right

 a random integer between left and right
swap(k, right)  //place pivot at the right

 S.elemAtPosright ) //the pivot
 inPlacePartition(x) //new position of pivot

swap(right , i) //place pivot in proper location

inPlaceQuickSort(S, left, - 1)
inPlaceQuickSort(S, + 1, right)

In Place Partitioning:
1. Move pivot to the far right (pos = r)
2. Begin with pointers i, j with i at pos  l and j at pos r – 1 (for readability, we let l = 0 in this discussion).
3. Move i to the right past all values < pivot
4. Move j to the left past all values > pivot
5. If stuck, then swap the values and repeat 3, 4, allowing i to move one to the right and j to the left when their turns come (equivalently: after swap, immediately increment i and decrement j by 1)
6. Stop as soon as j crosses (moves 1 to the left of) i or i crosses (moves 1 to the right of) j
7. After stopping, swap positions of pivot and value at position i.

Java Code ( Out-of-place version )

public List<Integer> quickSort(List<Integer> arr) {

       if (arr.size() <= 1) {

              return arr;

       int pivot = pickPivot(arr);

       List<Integer> left = new ArrayList<Integer>();
       List<Integer> pivots = new ArrayList<Integer>();
       List<Integer> right = new ArrayList<Integer>();

       partition(arr, pivot, left, pivots, right);

       left = quickSort(left);
       right = quickSort(right);

       List<Integer> finalSorted = new ArrayList<Integer>();

       return finalSorted;


public void partition(List<Integer> arr, int pivot,
              List<Integer> left, List<Integer> pivots, List<Integer> right) {

       for (int item : arr) {

              if (item < pivot) {
              } else if (item == pivot) {
              } else {

public int pickPivot(List<Integer> arr) {

        * "median-of-three" rule. Best pivot is median of first, middle and
        * last element of array

       int middleIndex = arr.size() / 2;

       int first = arr.get(0);
       int middle = arr.get(middleIndex);
       int last = arr.get(arr.size() - 1);

       if ((first - middle) * (last - first) >= 0) {
              return first;
       } else if ((middle - first) * (last - middle) >= 0) {
              return middle;
       } else {
              return last;

Java Code ( In-place version )

public void quickSortInPlace(int[] arr) {

       quickSortInPlace(arr, 0, arr.length - 1);

private void quickSortInPlace(int[] arr, int lower, int upper) {

       if (lower > upper) {


       // pick a random integer between lower and upper bound
       int pivotIndex = pivotIndex(arr, lower, upper);

       // place the pivot at the upper index
       swap(arr, pivotIndex, upper);

       int correctPositionOfPivot = inPlacePartition(arr, lower, upper);

       swap(arr, correctPositionOfPivot, upper);

       quickSortInPlace(arr, lower, upper - 1);
       quickSortInPlace(arr, lower + 1, upper);

private int inPlacePartition(int[] arr, int lower, int upper) {

       // pivot element is at the upper index
       int pivotIndex = upper;

       int pivot = arr[pivotIndex];

       while (lower <= upper) {

              while (arr[lower] < pivot) {

              while (arr[upper] > pivot) {

              if (lower > upper) {
                     swap(arr, lower++, upper++);
              } else {

       return lower;

public int pivotIndex(int[] arr, int lower, int upper) {

        * "median-of-three" rule. Best pivot is median of first, middle and
        * last element of array

       int middleIndex = (upper - lower) / 2;

       int left = arr[lower];
       int middle = arr[middleIndex];
       int right = arr[upper];

       if ((left - middle) * (right - left) >= 0) {
              return lower;
       } else if ((middle - left) * (right - middle) >= 0) {
              return middleIndex;
       } else {
              return upper;

public void swap(int[] arr, int i, int j) {

       int temp = arr[i];
       arr[i] = arr[j];
       arr[j] = temp;

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