For running the project in eclipse, please follow the steps below ( I'm assuming you've already imported the project in eclipse):
- Right click on the project -> Run As -> Run Configurations...
- On the left side of the dialog, you'll see 'Maven Build'. Double click it to create a new maven build configuration.
- The configuration name is defaulted to 'New_configuration' at the top. You can rename it whatever you like.
- For the 'Base Directory:', click on the 'Browse Workspace...' button and select the project.
- Now, in the 'Goals...' section, enter goals. Multiple goals can be entered separated by space. For instance, you can put 'eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse tomcat7:run'
- Then, click Apply and Run. You can see the logs in eclipse console.
- Once the tomcat has started, go to a browser and enter the url.
- That's it.