Sunday, August 10, 2014

Run Maven Project inside Eclipse

For running the project in eclipse, please follow the steps below ( I'm assuming you've already imported the project in eclipse):

  1. Right click on the project -> Run As -> Run Configurations...
  2. On the left side of the dialog, you'll see 'Maven Build'. Double click it to create a new maven build configuration.
  3. The configuration name is defaulted to 'New_configuration' at the top. You can rename it whatever you like.
  4. For the 'Base Directory:', click on the 'Browse Workspace...' button and select the project.
  5. Now, in the 'Goals...' section, enter goals. Multiple goals can be entered separated by space. For instance, you can put 'eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse tomcat7:run'
  6. Then, click Apply and Run. You can see the logs in eclipse console.
  7. Once the tomcat has started, go to a browser and enter the url.
  8. That's it.



  1. Manoj Shrestha'S Blog: Run Maven Project Inside Eclipse >>>>> Download Now

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    Manoj Shrestha'S Blog: Run Maven Project Inside Eclipse >>>>> Download LINK

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    Manoj Shrestha'S Blog: Run Maven Project Inside Eclipse >>>>> Download Full

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