Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Binary Heap Data Structure - Java Code

A nearly complete binary tree, where parent node has a priority over child nodes.

Two types:
  • Max heap
    • The key of parent nodes is always greater than or equal to those of the children
    • Thus, the maximum key is in the root node
  • Min heap
    • The key of parent node is always less than or equal to those of the children
    • Thus, the minimum key is in the root node

Heap as an array: Building a heap : O(n) time complexity

Root is at index = 0: 

Root of the tree = first element ( i = 0 )
Parent ( i ) = (i – 1)/ 2
Left( i ) = 2*i + 1
       Right( i ) = 2*i + 2

Root is at index = 1: 

Root of the tree = first element ( i = 1 )
Parent ( i ) = i / 2
Left( i ) = 2*i

       Right( i ) = 2*i + 1


Algorithm Build-Max-Heap (A):
       Input: An unsorted array A
       Output: Heap structured array A

n ← length ( A )

# the parent of the last element is at index [n/2 -1] 
for i  n/2 - 1 downto 0 do

Max-Heapify (A, i)

Algorithm Max-Heapify (A, i):
       Input: An unsorted array A
       Output: The subtree with root node i is in heap structure
       Precondition: The subtrees left(i) and right(i) are already in heap structure

n ← length ( A )
left ← 2*i + 1
right ← 2*i + 2
largest ← i

if left < n and A[left] > A[largest] then:
    largest ← left
if right < n and A[right] > A[largest] then:
    largest ← right

 if i  largest  then:
swap A[i] ↔ A[largest]
    Max-Heapify(A, largest)

Java Code

import java.util.Arrays;

public class Heap {

       public void buildMaxHeap(int[] arr) {

              int n = arr.length;

              for (int i = (n / 2 - 1); i >= 0; i--) {

                     maxHeapify(arr, i);

       private void maxHeapify(int[] arr, int i) {

              int left = 2 * i + 1;
              int right = 2 * i + 2;

              int largest = i;

              if (left < arr.length && arr[left] > arr[largest]) {

                     largest = left;

              if (right < arr.length && arr[right] > arr[largest]) {

                     largest = right;

              if (i != largest) {

                     swap(arr, i, largest);

                     maxHeapify(arr, largest);

       private void swap(int[] arr, int i, int j) {

              int temp = arr[i];
              arr[i] = arr[j];
              arr[j] = temp;

       public static void main(String[] args) {

              int[] arr = { 10, 80, 40, 30, 0, 70, 110, 10, 150, 20, 90, 60, 50, 120, 140, 130 };

              Heap heap = new Heap();



Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Kth Smallest Element in a BST - Java Code

To calculate the kth smallest element, we use the following property of a BST that is:

  • The left sub-tree of a node T contains the nodes whose keys ( values ) are less than that of the current node T.
  • The right sub-tree of a node T contains the nodes whose keys ( values ) are greater than that of the current node T.
So, based on the above two properties, we can think of the following algorithm to find out kth smallest element.


For a node T,

  • If k = num_nodes(left Subtree of T) + 1, then the answer is the value in node T
  • If k < num_nodes(left Subtree of T) + 1, then the kth smallest is in the left sub-tree, so we reduce the problem to finding the kth smallest element in the left subtree.
  • If k > num_nodes(left Subtree of T) + 1, then the kth smallest is in the right sub-tree, So, we reduce the problem to finding the { k - num_nodes(left subtree of T) - 1 } smallest element of the right subtree.

Java Code

class TreeNode {

       int val;
       TreeNode left;
       TreeNode right;

       TreeNode(int x) {
              val = x;

public int kthSmallest(TreeNode root, int k) {

       int leftSubtreeCount = getNoOfNodes(root.left) + 1; // one for the current node

       if (k == leftSubtreeCount) {
              return root.val;
       } else if (k < leftSubtreeCount) {
              return kthSmallest(root.left, k);
       } else {
              return kthSmallest(root.right, k - leftSubtreeCount);


private int getNoOfNodes(TreeNode currentNode) {

       if (currentNode == null) {
              return 0;

       return 1 + getNoOfNodes(currentNode.left)
                     + getNoOfNodes(currentNode.right);


Radix Sort - Java Code

A non-comparative sorting algorithm

  • Key Idea: Sort the Least Significant Digit first
  • Worst case time complexity: O( wn ), where w = no. of digits, n = no. of keys


Algorithm RadixSort(A)
       Input: An integer array A
       Output: A sorted array A

 no. of digits of maximum number of A

for i = 1 to d do

Any stable sort on A based on the digit i (Usually counting sort)

Java Code

public void radixSort(int[] arr) {

       // Getting maximum item for the number of digits required to sort
       int maxItem = getMaximumItem(arr);

       int noOfDigits = String.valueOf(maxItem).length();

       for (int digit = 1; digit <= noOfDigits; digit++) {

              countSort(arr, digit);

public void countSort(int arr[], int digit) {

       int divisor = (int) Math.pow(10, digit - 1);

       int[] count = new int[10];

       // Storing the occurrences/frequencies of the items
       for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {

              int itemDigit = (arr[i] / divisor) % 10;

       // Storing the cumulative frequencies
       for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {

              count[i] += count[i - 1];

       // Build the sorted array based on the current digit
       int[] sortedArray = new int[arr.length];

       for (int i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

              int itemDigit = (arr[i] / divisor) % 10;

              sortedArray[count[itemDigit] - 1] = arr[i];

       // Copying the sorted array to the original array
       for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {

              arr[i] = sortedArray[i];

public int getMaximumItem(int arr[]) {

       int maxItem = arr[0];

       for (int i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {

              if (arr[i] > maxItem) {
                     maxItem = arr[i];

       return maxItem;