To calculate the kth smallest element, we use the following property of a BST that is:
- The left sub-tree of a node T contains the nodes whose keys ( values ) are less than that of the current node T.
- The right sub-tree of a node T contains the nodes whose keys ( values ) are greater than that of the current node T.
So, based on the above two properties, we can think of the following algorithm to find out kth smallest element.
For a node T,
- If k
= num_nodes(left Subtree of T) + 1, then the answer is the value in
node T
- If k
< num_nodes(left Subtree of T) + 1, then the kth smallest
is in the left sub-tree, so we reduce the problem to finding
the kth smallest element in the left subtree.
- If k
> num_nodes(left Subtree of T) + 1, then the kth smallest
is in the right sub-tree, So, we reduce the problem to finding the
{ k - num_nodes(left subtree of T) - 1 } smallest
element of the right subtree.
Java Code
class TreeNode {
int val;
TreeNode left;
TreeNode right;
TreeNode(int x) {
val = x;
public int kthSmallest(TreeNode root, int k) {
int leftSubtreeCount = getNoOfNodes(root.left) + 1; // one for the
current node
if (k == leftSubtreeCount) {
return root.val;
} else if (k < leftSubtreeCount) {
return kthSmallest(root.left, k);
} else {
return kthSmallest(root.right, k - leftSubtreeCount);
private int getNoOfNodes(TreeNode currentNode) {
if (currentNode == null) {
return 0;
return 1 + getNoOfNodes(currentNode.left)
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